Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to Join Reverse Funnel System

Join Reverse Funnel System.

By now we all have heard all about Reverse Funnel System.

Ok, Got it, It Is A Great System.

What's Next?

Now You Must Choose A Team to Join.

Well that's easy! Is it?

NO, it is not. What team you join makes a big difference.

Let's See How:

I just pick two of the guys who claiming all over the net that they are making 100K a mo they should know what they are doing. So, I Should JOIN THEM.




Let's pick on couple of them.

I like to start with Jonathan Budd.

Yes he is successful All power to him. I think is great that a young man like him is productive and making a great living. But what that would do for you. Nothing

Absolutely Nothing.

Why? Simple.

This is how it works with Jonathan Budd.

If you Join Jonathan Budd's team today.

You will receive an email from him that

"ROCK ON MAN THIS IS AN EMAIL AND PHONE # to ONE OF MY DOWNLINE AND HE/SHE Will HELP YOU and by the way you must pay another $200-$300 a month for my membership and my mandatory e-books. "

OK. Let me see if I got it right.

-On all your videos you say YOU WILL COUCH ME personally. But now you are passing me to one of your down line members?

-And Plus the membership for Reverse funnel system I have to pay you another $200-300 a month for your system?

Now another productive young man Chris Campbell.

I love this guy. Not as pushy like Jonathan Budd, But he uses law desire for martial life style to pull you in.

the man Loves Cars. "I am moving to a 7000 SQF house because I need Garage for my cars"

OK Got it you are rich.

You GOT cars.

What would that do for me?

Now Chris Campbell was part of Reverse funnel system until he decided to Go "SOLO"

So Now He has his own membership with promises of Join my team pay for my membership monthly and I train you to make $20K a month.

Ok Both these guys got rich not because they are fabulous Network Marketer, They got rich because Reverse Funnel System.

It was the RFS that Close all those traffic that they brought to the system.

All these two did is they brought traffic to RFS Site. RFS system did they rest of the work.

Now think about it: Base on the actual Proven static by RFS.

Here is your (who ever you are) numbers look like with targeted traffic.

1000-targeted clicks

Produce 150 Leads (People who opt in to the system)

39 of this 150 people will get to order page.

2-3 of them will pay for the application (Serious people) $35 X 2-3 = $70-$105

1 -2 of these people will buy $1000-$2000 Commission

So the person who brings the most traffic will WIN.

But why is it important what team you Join?

Your Leader, your Up line what ever you want to call her/him, Can save you bunch of money and time.

You need a leader who be there, Not pass you to his down line.

Not charge you bunch of money per money just to be called you are in his team.

He/She must be there no Matter what.

I will Do that for You.

Joining my team means the following:

  1. 2 full weeks hands on network marketing training from ME.
  2. You can reach me by Phone email, online chat on reasonable hours. (I don't take calls when I am sleeping)

I hope to see you in my team

To Join Now Click Here

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